Celebrate Recovery
Your Questions, Answered Here
Explore our FAQ section for quick answers to common questions and understanding of what Celebrate Recovery is all about.
Trusted by Many
What is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program to help people overcome hurts, habits, or hang-ups in their lives that keep them from living the life God intended.
Celebrate Recovery is for EVERYONE 18+!
No one should have to face their pain alone.
We are a grace-filled community of strugglers who courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain, and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God, and others. In this process, we come to accept that some of the habits we have developed to escape our pain may have hurt us and those close to us.
It is a biblically based approach to help us achieve long lasting recovery by healing our hurts, guiding us toward new healthy truths, and developing life-giving habits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Celebrate Recovery?
CR is held at Marshall FCC but is a Community Recovery Program led by people from several churches in the Marshall area.
When is Celebrate Recovery?
CR is on Tuesday nights beginning at 5:30PM with food and fellowship. At 6:00PM, our large group worship, lesson, and testimony time begins. At 87:00PM, our small groups begin which include a Men's Chemical Dependency and A-Z Group as well as a Women's Chemical Dependency and A-Z Group.
Is childcare provided?
Childcare is provided for kindergarten up to sixth grade. The cost is $5 per family per night.
Is Celebrate Recovery for addictions only?
One of the biggest misconceptions about Celebrate Recovery is that it is only for people who struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. That could not be further from the truth. In fact, out of all of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery around the world, ⅔ of them come for an issue other than drugs or alcohol. Some of the reasons people attend CR are codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, and that’s just to name a few. We truly believe that everyone can benefit from Celebrate Recovery!
Get in touch
902 N 6th St, Marshall, IL 62441