Marshall FCC Adults
Explore the different groups, ministries, and programs that are happening at Marshall FCC.

Bible Studies and Life Groups
Sunday's at 8:30AM
FISHERMEN - Men's Bible Study Group - FLC 3
HELLO GRACE LADIES - Women's Bible Study Group - FLC 1
SIDE BY SIDE - open to everyone, studying various books of the Bible - North Wing Room N5
Sunday's at 10:00AM
U & I CLASS - open to everyone, studying the NIV Lesson Standard Commentary on various Bible topics
Sunday's at 5:30PM
GROWING TOGETHER - open to everyone, studying various topics of the Bible - Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Nights (Dinner at 5:15PM & Studies at 6PM)
FOUNDATIONAL BIBLE 101 - open to everyone! Every structure must be built on a firm foundation, and our beliefs are no different. Come explore the basic Bible beliefs and develop a firm foundation.
LIFE LESSONS - open to everyone, going through Max Lucado's Life Lesson books. Currently studying the book of Psalms.
PRAYER GROUP - open to all ladies, come gather to pray with others and for others.
Various Meeting Times
SINGLE & COUPLES WITHOUT KIDS - if you are single or a couple without kids, come join us. We get together about once a month to hang-out, play games, have a meal, and many other activities.
BOXES & WIRES - Married couples with or without kids. Meet at different times throughout the year.
Worship Team - Do you play an instrument, sing, or enjoy leading the church in worship to God? There are opportunities to serve in our 8:30AM service by playing piano, organ, or leading singing. There are opportunities in our 10:00AM service to play an instrument or sing.
Tech Team - Want to be involved in the church, but like to be in the background? Our tech team plays a huge part in making Sundays happen. There are opportunities to help with sound, worship slides, lights, video and streaming.
Home Communion - be part of a rotation of volunteers that takes communion to those who aren't able to come out to service on Sundays.
Welcome Center Volunteer - Do you enjoy meeting new people? Volunteer to be part of our Welcome Center Team, greet people, help them find classes, and answer questions.
First Responders - Keeping the Church safe is a top priority. Become part of our First Responders Team and monitor our Sanctuary and children's areas throughout services.
Prayer Ministry - Prayer is an important part of everything we do! Join our team that goes to our prayer room during both Sunday services to pray for prayer requests, our church, our staff, and our country.
Announcement Volunteer - Every week during services different church people share some of the events and activities coming up.
GMC - Our God's Maturing Children are an active group of senior adults who plan various activities throughout the year to include luncheons, trips, all-day outings and so much more! Come help us plan and connect!
Women's Ministry - Our women's ministry is active and does activities throughout the year including things like game nights, retreats, supporting college students, and so much more! Come help us plan and connect!
Children's Ministry - We offer children's programming on Sunday's to include all ages from Nursery-Sixth Grade, and we offer programming for elementary students Kindergarten-Sixth grade on Wednesday nights. There are many other activities throughout the year including things like water days, pancake breakfast, game nights and so much more! Volunteer to help Zach meet our kids where they are and grow in Jesus!
Youth Ministry - We offer Sunday School at 8:30AM and have a time to Connect on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00PM as well as various activities throughout the year including things like retreats, missions trips, boat days, and so much more! Volunteer to help Matt and Renee lead and grow students in a saving relationship with Jesus!
Fellowship Team - Come join our group as we plan activities and outings to bring the church together and bring others in so they can see Jesus lived out through fun activities like, dancing classes, game nights, picnic on the grounds, and so much more!
Dinner Theater - Every year our church hosts a Dinner Theater for our community that involves a full play and meal. There are opportunities to serve by helping decorate, helping serve food, helping cook, helping greet, and even acting! This is a great outreach event that takes the whole church. Come join us as we point people to Jesus!
The following are a list ministry opportunities that provide places to attend and serve at Marshall FCC.
African Windmill Project - The hunger crisis in Africa is massive. African Windmill Project works with local leaders to provide education & agriculture tools that bring food security for generations. Their mission is to end the hunger season and provide food security in every season.
Oblong Children's Home - is a ministry of the Christian Church and Churches of Christ to abused and troubled children who are 5 to 16 years old, providing them God’s unconditional love through a stable, structured environment, family-style group home and a private school.
The Light House Mission - Is an organization in Terre Haute, IN that exists to aid, assist and care for those in need and to be an advocate on behalf of the homeless, the poor and needy.
ACMI - works with the street girls in Kenya
Shiloh Christian Children's Ranch - Their mission is to offer vulnerable children hope and healing in loving, traditional, family homes.
Marshall Food and Clothing - Provides food and clothing to those in need in the Marshall, I" area. Hours are Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Food distribution is Tuesday from 2-4:00PM; 4th Tuesday from 1:30-4:30PM.
The following are a list of missions supported by Marshall FCC.
Get in touch
902 N 6th St, Marshall, IL 62441